How to roll LandmarkJS the way you want it.
The options for LandmarkJS cover a range of behaviours, from how the express app is configured to enabling features and authentication options for integrated services.
There are three ways to set options:
If you want to keep secret keys and configuration out of your codebase (especially important for open source projects, or projects where not all developers should have access to production config settings) the dotenv module makes this very easy to manage.
The following options control the branding and navigation of the LandmarkJS application in the Admin UI:
name String |
The name of the LandmarkJS application |
brand String |
Displayed in the top left hand corner of the Admin UI |
nav Object |
An object that specifies the navigation structure for the Admin UI. Create a key for each section that should be visible in the primary navigation. Each key's value can be a single list path (as is seen in the URL when you view a list) or an array of list paths. When an array is used, secondary navigation is rendered in the Admin UI. The nav is also used to generate the links on the Admin UI home page; any lists that are registered but not included in the |
If you had User
, Post
and PostCategory
models, you could group the posts and post categories into a Content navigation item like this:
landmark.set('nav', {
'users': 'users',
'content': ['posts', 'post-categories']
The following options control the configuration of your web server and the express app:
env String |
The environment setting to use. The keys development and production are supported, and this will have an impact on things like caching compiled templates. Defaults to You should really set this to |
port Number |
The port to listen for request on. Defaults to |
host String |
The ip address to listen for request on. Defaults to
views String |
The path to your application's view templates. This is required for using the If you're following the recommended project structure, this should be set to |
view engine String |
The template engine to use by default. Any engine with express support should work. Jade is included with Landmark, but you will have to add any alternate engine to your project's dependencies in your This option is set on the express app (see docs here). |
custom engine Function |
If you want to use a custom template engine, set this option to the function that should be used to process your templates. See below for an example of how to use the Swig template engine. |
locals Object |
The default local variables to pass to your view templates. Routes can extend or change local variables by modifying |
static String or Array |
One or more paths to your application's static files. Setting this will include the If you're following the recommended project structure, this should be set to |
less String |
If you want Landmark to automatically compile .less files into .css files, set this value to the same path as the When this option is set, any requests to a .css or .min.css file will first check for a .less file with the same name, and if one is found, the css file will be regenerated. |
favicon String |
The path to your application's favicon. Setting this will include the If you're following the recommended project structure, this should be set to |
compress Boolean |
Set this to true to enable HTTP compression. This will include the express.compress middleware (see docs here). |
logger String |
Set this to include the express.logger middleware. The value will be passed to the middleware initialisation (see docs here). |
trust proxy Boolean |
Set this to enable processing of the HTTP request X-Forwarded-For header. Extracted IP addresses will be available as the array req.ips (see docs here). |
By default, Landmark uses the Jade template engine for your views. Here's how you would set up a different engine, e.g. Swig.
var swig = require('swig');
landmark.set('view engine', 'swig');
landmark.set('custom engine', swig.renderFile);
There are two ways to implement HTTPS for your LandmarkJS application: either use a web server (e.g. NGINX) or PAAS (e.g. Heroku) that handles it for you, or set the following options to use the https server provided by node.js.
ssl Boolean or String |
Whether to start the SSL Server. Defaults to When set to When set to |
ssl key Path |
The path to your SSL Key. Should be either absolute or relative to |
ssl cert Path |
The path to your SSL Certificate. Should be either absolute or relative to |
ssl port Number |
The port to start the SSL Server on. Defaults to |
ssl host String |
The ip address to listen for request on. Defaults to |
The following options control your database configuration and user models / authentication:
mongo String |
The url for your MongoDB connection. You should typically set this to |
model prefix String |
A prefix to apply to all the mongodb collections used by the models. |
auth Mixed |
Whether to enable built-in auth for Landmark's Admin UI, or a custom function to use to authenticate users. When this is set to If using a custom function, it should follow the standard for express middleware of |
user model String |
The key of the Landmark List for users, required if Typically this would be set to |
cookie secret String |
The encryption key to use for your cookies. Passed to Express's cookie parser. It's a really good idea to set this to a long, random string. |
session store String |
Set this to By default, Landmark will use the in-memory session store provided by Express, which should only be used in development because it does not scale past a single process, and leaks memory over time. Valid options are:
Session store packages are not bundled with Landmark, so make sure you explicitly add the selected session store to your project's |
session store options Object |
This option allows you to override the default session store configuration, and is passed to the session store package. It is required when using the Example for connect-mongostore
Example for connect-redis
back url String |
Defaults to |
signin url String |
Defaults to |
signin redirect String |
Defaults to |
signout url String |
Defaults to |
signout redirect String |
Defaults to |
For more information about setting up and using database models with Landmark, see the database guide.
Landmark has support for Google Analytics tracking in the Admin UI. To enable tracking, set the following configuration options:
ga property String |
Your Google Analytics Property Will default to |
ga domain String |
Your Google Analytics Domain Will default to |
Note if you only want to include Google Analytics tracking in the front-end of your project, you should use different variable names from those above.
Landmark's Location field type supports integration with the Google Maps API to auto-improve values (including discovering latitude and longitude) via the Places Autocomplete API.
To enable these features, obtain an API Key from Google and enable the Google Maps v3 and Google Places APIs for it, then set the following options:
google api key String |
Your Google API browser key, used to authenticate the Javascript Maps API in the Admin UI. Will default to |
google server api key String |
Your Google API server key, used to authenticate requests to the Maps API from the server. Will default to |
default region String |
Optional setting to limit autocomplete results to a specific region. This option takes a region code, specified as a IANA language region subtag. Can be specified on a per-field basis by setting the |
landmark.set('google api key', 'your-browser-key');
landmark.set('google server api key', 'your-server-key');
landmark.set('default region', 'au'); // optional, will limit autocomplete results to Australia
Note that the use of the Places Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2,500 geolocation requests per day, except with an enterprise license.
The Places Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. Please make sure your Landmark app complies with the Google Maps API License.
LandmarkJS supports Amazon S3 for file upload and hosting, with the S3File field type.
To use the S3File field in your app, sign up for an account, create an S3 bucket, and get your key and secret.
Then set the s3 config
option to an object containing your configuration (see example below).
Alternatively, set the S3_BUCKET
, S3_KEY
environment variables.
landmark.set('s3 config', { bucket: 'my-bucket', key: 'my-key', secret: 'my-secret' });
LandmarkJS supports Windows Azure Storage for file upload and hosting, with the AzureFile field type.
To use the AzureFile field in your app, sign up for an account, enter into Azure Management Portal. Create a storage account with new(button), data services, storage. In storage account page get the access (account name, key (valid primary or secondary key)) with the button "manage access key".
Then set the azurefile config
option to an object containing your configuration (see example below).
Alternatively, set the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
environment variables.
Note that the account property should be set to your storage account, not your user account.
landmark.set('azurefile config', { account: 'my storage account', key: 'secret api key' });
Cloudinary is an image upload / resizing / hosting service that makes it easy to implement image management in your LandmarkJS app using the CloudinaryImage and CloudinaryImages field types.
To use the Cloudinary Image fields in your app, sign up for an account (Cloudinary offers a free tier with up to 500MB storage, 50,000 images and 1GB data transfer) and get your cloud name, api key and api secret.
Then set the cloudinary config
option to
)This option will default to the CLOUDINARY_URL
environment variable if it is set.
When images are uploaded to Cloudinary via the Admin UI or field methods, they will have some tags automatically set on them. To prefix these tags with a custom string, set the cloudinary prefix
The built-in tags that are automatically set include:
(if set)dev
(if the env
option is not set to production
)landmark.set('cloudinary config', { cloud_name: 'my-cloud', api_key: 'abc', api_secret: '123' });
// or
landmark.set('cloudinary config', 'cloudinary://api_key:api_secret@cloud_name' );
// optional, will prefix all built-in tags with 'landmark_'
landmark.set('cloudinary prefix', 'landmark-serve'); is a service that will parse a url (e.g. Youtube embed link) and return a whole lot of useful information, like the provider name, summary metadata, width and height of videos, as well as a clean link to use for embedding media in your views. They offer a free plan for up to 5,000 urls per month.
The Embedly field type is an easy way to integrate their API with your LandmarkJS app.
To configure LandmarkJS to support the API, simply sign up for an account, get your api key, and set the embedly api key
This option will default to the EMBEDLY_API_KEY
environment variable if it is set.
landmark.set('embedly api key', 'your-key');
Mandrill is a scalable and affordable email infrastructure service that allows you to send emails easily. They offer a free plan for up to 12,000 emails per month.
To configure LandmarkJS to support the Mandrill API, simply sign up for an account, get your api key, and set both the mandrill api key
and mandrill username
These options will default to the MANDRILL_API_KEY & MANDRILL_USERNAME
environment variable's if set.
landmark.set('mandrill api key', 'your-key');
landmark.set('mandrill username', 'your-username');
Landmark includes an updates framework, which you can enable by setting the auto update
option to true
Updates provide an easy way to seed your database, transition data when your models change, or run transformation scripts against your database.
Update files should be named using a semantic version followed by an optional key, like 0.0.1-init.js
. The version numbers are used to order the update scripts correctly, while the keys are a nice way to identify what each update does.
Each update file should export a single function, which should accept a single argument - the next(err)
callback, to be called when the update is complete.
All the update files will be executed (each one waits for the previous update to complete) before the web server is started.
If the next
callback is receives an error it will be reported to the console, and application initialisation will halt.
You can temporarily disable updates from running in development by setting a __defer__
property on the exported function to true
. Any subsequent updates will be skipped, but the application will be started.
Updates are only run once, and each completed update is logged in an app_updates
collection in your database.
Creates a new admin User
var landmark = require('landmark-serve'),
User = landmark.list('User');
exports = module.exports = function(done) {
new User.model({
name: { first: 'Admin', last: 'User' },
password: 'admin',
isAdmin: true
You can disable the Admin UI by setting the headless
option to true
This will allow you to use landmark.start()
or landmark.routes(app)
without Landmark creating route bindings for the Admin UI routes under /landmark