This guide steps you through how to create a LandmarkJS site. There's also a generator.
LandmarkJS makes it easy to build database-driven websites, applications and APIs in node.js.
Under the hood, LandmarkJS uses the express.js web server framework, and a MongoDB database via the mongoose object modelling framework.
Landmark is designed to make complicated things simple, without limiting the power or flexibility of node.js or the frameworks it is built on.
This guide will show you how to build a LandmarkJS website using the default project structure and options.
To learn more about how things work under the hood, and how you can extend or replace features, we strongly recommend reading the source code.
Landmark applies different settings in production and development modes. The environment will default to development
, so you should set the NODE_ENV
environment variable to production
on your production servers for better performance.
Your app can detect which environment it is running in by calling landmark.get('env')
The easiest way to get started with LandmarkJS is to use our new Yeoman Generator.
We're still updating our getting started guide to reflect this; in the meantime head over to the LandmarkJS Yeoman Generator page and follow the instructions there.
Running yo landmark
will take all the work out of following the guide below, so once you've got your new project, continue reading to follow along with what it did.
Create a new directory for your project, then add the following two files which are responsible for setting up your project and starting your webserver.
This file describes our project for npm, including the fact that it depends on landmark
"name": "my-project",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"landmark": "latest",
"underscore": "latest"
"engines": {
"node": "0.10.x",
"npm": "1.3.x"
"scripts": {
"start": "web.js"
Note we're also requiring the underscore library, because we'll use some of its functionality later. You can use any other packages you like from npm in your Landmark application by adding them to your package.json
This is the script that will run our landmark website.
var landmark = require('landmark-serve');
'name': 'My Project',
'favicon': 'public/favicon.ico',
'less': 'public',
'static': ['public'],
'views': 'templates/views',
'view engine': 'jade',
'auto update': true,
'mongo': 'mongodb://localhost/my-project',
'session': true,
'auth': true,
'user model': 'User',
'cookie secret': '(your secret here)'
landmark.set('routes', require('./routes'));
Now, in your console, run npm install
from the root folder of your project (where package.json is) to install Landmark.
For more information about the options Landmark supports, see the configuration guide.
Note: your web script won't run yet, because it is including models and routes that have not been set up yet. It assumes you follow the conventions in this guide.
If you want to require Express or Mongoose in your application, instead of having Landmark provide and configure them completely, you can so do.
Include them in the dependencies list for your project, then provide them to Landmark using the connect
var express = require('express'), mongoose = require('mongoose'), app = express(), landmark = require('landmark-serve').connect(mongoose, app);
With your package and web scripts in place, it's time to scaffold out containers for the rest of your app. Create the following directory structure:
|--lib | Custom libraries and other code |--models | Your application's database models |--public | Static files (css, js, images, etc.) that are publicly available |--routes | |--api | | Your application's api controllers | |--views | | Your application's view controllers | |--index.js | | Initialises your application's routes and views | |--middleware.js | | Custom middleware for your routes |--templates | |--includes | | Common .jade includes go in here | |--layouts | | Base .jade layouts go in here | |--mixins | | Common .jade mixins go in here | |--views | | Your application's view templates |--updates | Data population and migration scripts |--package.json | Project configuration for npm |--web.js | Main script that starts your application
We also recommend that your application will be simpler to build and maintain if you mirror the internal structure of your routes/views
and templates/views
directories as much as possible.
This guide assumes you follow the recommendations above, however Landmark doesn't actually enforce any structure, so you're free to make changes to suit your application better.
Before you can start your Landmark app, you'll need some data models.
We're going to start with the User
model, which is special - we need it so that Landmark can do authentication and session management.
Create the following two files in the /models
This is the script that includes your models. It doesn't need to export anything.
This script initialises the User
model. It doesn't need to export anything, but the model must be registered with Landmark.
var landmark = require('landmark-serve'),
Types = landmark.Field.Types;
var User = new landmark.List('User');
name: { type: Types.Name, required: true, index: true },
email: { type: Types.Email, initial: true, required: true, index: true },
password: { type: Types.Password, initial: true },
canAccessLandmark: { type: Boolean, initial: true }
For Landmark to provide authentication and session management to your application, it needs to know a few things (which we've now configured).
To recap:
user model
must be the name of the Model that Landmark should look in to find your users. If you use a different model name, be sure to set the option correctly.session
option to true. Loading sessions incurs a small overhead, so if your application doesn't need sessions you can turn this off.auth
option to true. You can also implement custom signin and signout screens in your applications' views.cookie secret
option to a long, random string.canAccessLandmark
property (which can be a virtual method or a stored boolean) that says whether a user can access Landmark's Admin UI or not.For more information on how to set up your application's models, and the full documentation for lists and fields, see the database guide.
Usually, the easiest and clearest way to configure the logic for different routes (or views) in your application is to set up all the bindings single file, then put any common logic (or middleware) in another file.
Then, the controller for each route you bind goes in its own file, organised similarly to the template that renders the view.
Landmark's importer
and Express's middleware support makes this easy to set up.
First, create a routes/index.js
file. This is where we bind your application's URL patterns to the controllers that load and process data, and render the appropriate template.
This script imports your route controllers and binds them to URLs.
var landmark = require('landmark-serve'),
middleware = require('./middleware'),
importRoutes = landmark.importer(__dirname);
// Common Middleware
landmark.pre('routes', middleware.initErrorHandlers);
landmark.pre('routes', middleware.initLocals);
landmark.pre('render', middleware.flashMessages);
// Handle 404 errors
landmark.set('404', function(req, res, next) {
// Handle other errors
landmark.set('500', function(err, req, res, next) {
var title, message;
if (err instanceof Error) {
message = err.message;
err = err.stack;
res.err(err, title, message);
// Load Routes
var routes = {
views: importRoutes('./views')
// Bind Routes
exports = module.exports = function(app) {
app.get('/', routes.views.index);
, the middleware.js
file (below), and create an importer
for the current directory404
and 500
requests on the root url /
argument to this method our express app, so anything you can do binding routes in express, you can do here.Additional route controllers that you add to your app should be added using app.get
or app.all
under your root controller.
Putting your common middleware in a separate routes/middleware.js
file keeps your route index nice and clean. If your middleware file gets too big, it's a good idea to restructure any significant functionality into custom modules in your projects /lib
Now we'll add the basic middleware to get your app up and running with default behaviours:
This script includes common middleware for your application routes
var _ = require('underscore'),
landmark = require('landmark-serve');
Initialises the standard view locals.
Include anything that should be initialised before route controllers are executed.
exports.initLocals = function(req, res, next) {
var locals = res.locals;
locals.user = req.user;
// Add your own local variables here
Inits the error handler functions into `req`
exports.initErrorHandlers = function(req, res, next) {
res.err = function(err, title, message) {
res.status(500).render('errors/500', {
err: err,
errorTitle: title,
errorMsg: message
res.notfound = function(title, message) {
res.status(404).render('errors/404', {
errorTitle: title,
errorMsg: message
Fetches and clears the flashMessages before a view is rendered
exports.flashMessages = function(req, res, next) {
var flashMessages = {
info: req.flash('info'),
success: req.flash('success'),
warning: req.flash('warning'),
error: req.flash('error')
res.locals.messages = _.any(flashMessages, function(msgs) { return msgs.length }) ? flashMessages : false;
Landmark expects middleware functions to accept the following arguments:
Landmark includes support for 'flashing' messages to your visitors via session. The default setup above supports four categories, all of which can be styled differently:
You can easily support other types of messages by updating your middleware and the .jade template that renders them (which we'll get to below).
To use flash messages in your route controllers, do this:
req.flash('info', 'Some information!');
Messages use session so they survive redirects, and will only be displayed to the user once, making them perfect for status messages (e.g. "Your changes have been saved") or form validation (e.g. "Please enter a valid email address").
Some Landmark features (such as the Update Handler) can automatically generate flash messages for you, and expect the categories above to be available.
Now we're going to set up your first route controller (for the index page), and the template it will render.
The importer (above) expects the directory you ask it for to include .js
or .coffee
files that export a single method accepting the following arguments:
Our first view controller is going to be very simple - just rendering a template. Create an routes/views/index.js
file like this:
The route controller for our home page view
var landmark = require('landmark-serve');
exports = module.exports = function(req, res) {
var view = new landmark.View(req, res);
Now, for the template our route will render. The render
method looks in the views
directory specified in our web.js
, which we set to /templates/views
In this guide, we're going to use Jade for our templates. To learn more about Jade, visit, or check out the great live syntax documentation to learn by example.
First up, create templates/views/index.jade
The template for our home page view
extends ../layouts/base block content h1 Hello World
Jade comes with some great features to simplify templates - including using layouts that define regions. We're going to use a layout called templates/layout/base.jade
, which is included on the first line of the file above:
The base layout for our view templates
include ../mixins/flash-messages
doctype html
meta(name="viewport", content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1,width=device-width")
title= title || 'My Landmark Website'
link(rel="shortcut icon", href="/favicon.ico", type="image/x-icon")
link(href="/styles/site.min.css", rel="stylesheet")
block css
block head
#header My Landmark Website
block intro
block content
#footer Powered by <a href='', target='_blank'>LandmarkJS</a>.
block js
We're also going to create a templates/mixins/flash-messages.jade
template to include the flash-messages
mixin. Including mixins in your layout or view templates is a great way to keep your layout and view files clean, and re-use mixins across multiple views.
Our flash-messages mixin
mixin flash-messages(messages)
if messages
each message in
+flash-message(message, 'info')
each message in messages.success
+flash-message(message, 'success')
each message in messages.warning
+flash-message(message, 'warning')
each message in messages.error
+flash-message(message, 'danger')
mixin flash-message(message, type)
div(class='alert alert-' + type)
if utils.isObject(message)
if message.title
h4= message.title
if message.detail
p= message.detail
if message.list
each item in message.list
li= item
= message
LandmarkJS supports any template language supported by express.
Use the view engine
option to specify the template language you want to use (it will default to jade
If you want to use a custom template engine, set the custom engine
option as well. For instance, ejs is supported by express by default, but you might want to use ejs.locals as a template engine in order to benefit from get extensions.
// Modified web.js to use the ejs-locals custom template engine.
var landmark = require('landmark-serve');
var engine = require('ejs-locals');
'custom engine': engine,
'view engine': 'ejs',
You'll want to add your own css, javascript, images and other files to your project. In the examples above, we're including /styles/site.min.css
and /js/lib/jquery-1.10.2.min.js
Landmark will serve any static assets you place in the public
directory. This path is specified in web.js
by the static
It will also automatically generate .css
or compressed .min.css
files when a corresponding .less
file is found in the public
folder, as specified in web.js
by the less
option. For more information on LESS, see
You're now (almost) ready to run your app! Before we do, though, we should add a User so you can sign in to Landmark's Admin UI.
To do this, we're going to create an update script, which Landmark will automatically run before starting the web server.
Landmark's automatic update functionality is enabled in web.js
by the auto update
When the option is set to true
, Landmark will scan the updates
directory for .js
files, each of which should export a method accepting a single argument:
- the method to call when the update has finished running (including any internal callbacks)Updates are ordered using Semantic Versioning, and Landmark will only run them once (successfully executed updates are stored in your database, in a collection called app_updates
Update file names should match the pattern x.x.x-description.js
- anything after the first hyphen is ignored, so you can describe the update in the filename.
So to automatically add a new Admin User when your app first launches, create a updates/0.0.1-admin.js
Update script to add the first admin (change to your own name, email and password)
var landmark = require('landmark-serve'),
User = landmark.list('User');
exports = module.exports = function(done) {
new User.model({
name: { first: 'Admin', last: 'User' },
email: '',
password: 'admin',
canAccessLandmark: true
You probably don't want to store your real password in the code, so it's a good idea to set the default password to something simple, then sign in and change it using Landmark's Admin UI after you start your app for the first time.
Now you're ready to run your application, so execute the following in your project's main folder:
node web
Landmark will automatically apply the update, and then start a web server on the default port, 3000.
To see your home page, point your browser at localhost:3000. You should see our Hello World! message.
To sign in to Landmark's Admin UI, go to localhost:3000/landmark. Use the email and password you put in the update script above to sign in, and you'll be redirected to Landmark's home page.
... you're done! Well, not really. It's time to start building your app now. For more information on list options and the field types Landmark supports, browse the database guide.
You should also Follow @LandmarkProj on Twitter for news and updates, Star LandmarkJS on GitHub, and discuss this guide (or anything LandmarkJS related) on the Landmark Project Google Group.
We've also got more Examples and Sample Code for you on the examples page.
Enjoy using LandmarkJS!